Paying your Mastercard statement
Managing your Mastercard payments
You can pay your credit card statement:
As a one-time or recurring payment through online, telephone or mobile app banking, select: ROGERS BANK-MASTERCARD as your payee.
In person at most Canadian financial institutions.
By pre-authorized debit from any chequing account at any Canadian financial institution, click here to learn more.
By mail, make a cheque payable to Rogers Bank™ with your account number on the front of the cheque:
Rogers Bank
PO Box 4022, Station A,
Toronto ON, M5W 0G7
Payments should be made in Canadian currency.
The minimum payment due date varies by month due to holidays and weekends. It is printed on each of your monthly statements. Sign in to your online bank account to view your minimum payment due date.
You will receive a statement each billing period unless there has been no activity on your account during that billing period and there is no balance outstanding.
To obtain a copy of your statement follow the steps below:
Sign in here.
After sign in, go to ‘I want to…’ and select ‘View statements’.
You can view 24 months of statements in your online bank account.
Review the following system requirements prior to printing your statement: Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported by Microsoft. To view your statement online, you will need to update your browser. Rogers Bank™ supports the following browsers and operating systems: Internet Explorer® 9.0 Firefox® 14.0.1 Google Chrome TM 20.0.1 Windows® 7 OS. To view your statements online in PDF format, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader software version 6.0 or higher. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download it now for free.
If there is a transaction on your account that is incorrect or not valid, we can help resolve the issue.
Before you open a dispute, consider the following:
Do you recognize the merchant name? The merchant may have registered with a different legal name.
Is the date incorrect? Some transactions may take a few days to post.
Did another authorized user make the purchase?
Have you signed up for a trial offer?
If the charge is not from a merchant you transacted with, even if it is for $0.00, contact customer care immediately at 1-855-775-2265.
If you still suspect an issue:
Try to contact the merchant to resolve the issue and/or receive a refund. Keep receipts, documentation, emails, and dates and times of phone conversations. If you were not able to resolve the issue with the merchant, contact us at 1-855-775-2265.
Investigating a dispute with a merchant will take some time; please continue to pay your statements on time until the investigation is completed.
Please note: when you successfully add your card to a mobile wallet, you may see a transaction for $0.00 to confirm that your card number is valid. Please be assured that there will be no charge to your account and there are no costs or fees to use a mobile wallet.
Sign up for Rogers Bank™ account alerts to monitor your account activity in real time. For step-by-step instructions on how to enable account alerts, click here.
Call us at 1 855 775-2265 and speak with a customer care representative.
Payments can take 1-5 business days to be processed; however, the date we use to post your payment is the business day following the ‘withdrawal date’ of the funds from your banking institution.
Yes! You can use your Rogers Bank credit card to pay for any bills that accept credit card payments. Contact the company you wish to set up a recurring payment for and provide them with your Rogers Bank credit card account details.
Pre-Authorize your Mastercard payment
Setting up Pre-Authorized Debit means you never have to worry about missed payments or late fees. Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) is a convenient way to pay your Rogers Bank credit card account. You can automatically make your monthly payment from any chequing account at any financial institution in Canada. It is simple, easy, and there is no charge to enrol:
Download the form, Rogers Bank Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement (Personal), complete sections 1 to 4 on page 1, read the PAD agreement terms in section 5, print and sign.
Send your completed form and attach your void cheque by:
or Mail:
Rogers Bank
PO Box 57130
RPO Jackson Square
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4W9
Retain a completed copy of the Rogers Bank Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement for your records. When your request is received, it will take at least 10 business days to process. Please continue to make your payments until you receive an email from Rogers Bank confirming your enrolment.
Once you’re set up on Pre-Authorized Debit, please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your chequing account each month on the payment due date indicated on your Rogers Bank credit card statement. Funds will be debited within 2 business days following your payment due date, less any payments posted to your account.
To obtain more information on your recourse rights, visit, Rule H1.
To cancel your Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement, call us at 1 855 775-2265.
Refer to the ‘PAD Agreement Terms’ in section 5 within the Pre-Authorized Debit form for details.
To change your bank account details:
Download the form, Rogers Bank Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement (Personal), check box ‘Update Existing PAD’ on page 1.
Complete sections 1 to 4 on page 1, read the PAD agreement terms in section 5, print and sign.
Send your completed form and attach your void cheque by:
or Mail:
Rogers Bank
PO Box 57130
RPO Jackson Square
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4W9
Please provide 30 days notice for any changes to take effect.
To change your ‘Payment Amount’ (Minimum payment or New balance) in your Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement, call us at 1 855 775-2265.
Refer to the ‘PAD Agreement Terms’ in section 5 within the Pre-Authorized Debit form for details.
You will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader software version 6.0 or higher. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download it now for free.
If you prefer to fill out the Pre-Authorized Debit form manually please print clearly to avoid any delays with your request.
®/TM Mastercard and World Elite are registered trademarks and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Used under license.
TM Rogers and Mobius Design, Rogers Bank and related marks, logos and brand names are trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc., or an affiliate, used under license. © 2024 Rogers Bank.
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