Rogers Bank will never ASK you for your personal information like your PIN, password, or text/email verification codes. If you believe your personal information may have been stolen or obtained fraudulently either online, by telephone, or through any other means, call us at 1 855 775-2265.
Rogers Bank credit card features Chip & PIN technology, and Mastercard® Identity Check™ for online purchases.
Learn more about the Mastercard® security features here.
The card is safe to use online at participating online merchants or over the phone to make purchases.
For more tips and to learn about other security features that come with your card, visit
As a Mastercard® cardholder, zero liability applies to your purchases made in the store, over the telephone, online, or via a mobile device and ATM transactions. Have peace of mind knowing that the financial institution that issued your Mastercard® won't hold you responsible for unauthorized use. Visit, for full details.
Social engineering is manipulating people to perform specific actions or divulge confidential information. Criminals try to trick you into giving them your PINs, passwords or bank information, or access your computer to install malicious software that will give them access to your bank information or control of your computer. There are 3 types of social engineering scams:
Phishing is when cybercriminals use email messages with fake email addresses, fabricated websites, or pop-up windows to gather personal information.
Vishing or ‘Voice Phishing’
Voice phishing is the criminal practice to gather your personal or financial information over the phone for the purpose of financial reward.
Smishing or ‘SMS Phishing’
Smishing is the criminal practice to gather personal or financial information through text messages/SMS. These text messages will ask you to visit fabricated websites or call a phone number where you will be asked to provide your information.
Do NOT respond or provide personal information to the caller or online to the sender, send or forward it to others, or click on any links or attachments. Never share your card PIN or passwords with anyone. Rogers Bank™ would never send you an email or call you to request your PIN or password.
Contact customer care at 1-855-775-2265 to report the incident.
For more tips and to learn about how to protect yourself from fraud visit,
You can also file a report with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) which is the central agency in Canada that collects information and criminal intelligence:
Online: Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
By phone: 1-888-495-8501
If you provided your personal information:
Change your PIN, password and security questions immediately.
Review recent account activity to ensure all transactions and/or changes to your account were made by you or any authorized user on your account.
Contact customer care at 1-855-775-2265 to report the incident and advise that you may be at risk of being a victim of Fraud.
For more tips and to learn about how to protect yourself from fraud visit,
Here are some simple recommendations to protect yourself from fraud:
Keep it to yourself: Your PIN is your fingerprint to your account. Never share your PIN with anyone, and be sure to cover the pin pad whenever you enter your PIN for a purchase.
Go paperless: e-Statements are more secure than paper statements delivered through the mail. They can’t be stolen, delivered to the wrong house or even taken from your trash.
Monitor your account often: Sign-up for Account Alerts and we’ll notify you whenever there is a change in account activity, including: changes made to your PIN, purchases made online or by phone, and purchases made outside of a specific location – so you can immediately flag any transactions you have not authorized.
Request a credit report: You are entitled to one free report each year from the national credit bureaus: Equifax and Trans Union – allowing you to stay on top of any suspicious activity.
Shred your documents: Regularly shred documents that contain your personal information.
Yes, the Rogers Bank™ website is secure. Here are a few security features that we use to protect your information:
HTTPS or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure: Is a secure communications protocol that is used to transfer sensitive information between your web browser and a web server. This helps guarantee that you are communicating with the server that you expect and that nobody else can intercept.
Password Protection: For additional protection, we recently updated the password criteria.
Your password must include:
Between 8 and 20 characters
At least 1 letter, case-sensitive
At least 1 number
Characters from the following set
_ ' , ; / - . * & ( ) \ ! @ # $ % + ^ = ?
Your password cannot contain the word “password”, or your user name, and you may not re-use any of your last 4 passwords.
Session timeout: Your online banking session will timeout after a period of inactivity. If you would like to continue accessing your online banking, you will have to sign in again. You should always sign out when you are done.
Web browser encryption: Web browsers use encryption to communicate securely over the Internet. You must have a browser with at least, 128-bit encryption to use Rogers Bank Online Banking. If your browser does not support the 128-bit encryption you will need to upgrade your browser to access your online bank information.
If you would like to check the level of encryption that your browser supports, follow the instructions below or visit the 'help' section within each your browser:
Internet Explorer:
From the top menu, click on Help.
From the drop down menu, select About Internet Explorer.
The information displayed for Cipher Strength is the encryption level (i.e. Cipher Strength: 128-bit).
If it does not say 128-bit, then upgrade your browser to the latest version. Click here to upgrade to Internet Explorer.
Open Firefox.
Right click on the lock symbol within the browser.
Select the Security tab, the bit encryption is located below the Technical details section.
If it does not say 128-bit, then you will need to upgrade your browser to the latest version, click here to upgrade Firefox.
Open Safari.
A lock icon at the top right corner of the address bar will display a secure (https://) site. This symbol is absent when viewing an unsecured (http://) site. Safari determines the level of encryption used at a given time.
If the lock icon is not displayed, you will need to upgrade your browser when visiting the Rogers Bank website. Click here to upgrade Safari.
Google Chrome:
Open Google Chrome and go to the Rogers Bank website.
Ensure that there is a lock icon at the top right corner of the address bar and verify that is displayed.
If the lock icon and is not displayed you may need to upgrade your browser. Click here to update Google Chrome.
When downloading supported browsers, you acknowledge that these are third-party sites and Rogers Bank™ cannot take any responsibility for any consequences resulting from downloading these browsers.
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